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How to Make a Cheese Hat Out of Paper

Wisconsin Crafts From the Land of Cheeseheads!

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Wisconsin Craft Activity

I am a firm believer that learning can be FUN! This is a great example of this as you can make fun crafts as your kids learn about the great dairy state.

Wisconsin is considered the dairy heart of the country, being home to hundreds of acres of land where dairy cows are raised. As part of the Midwestern states, and sitting between two of the Great Lakes, Wisconsin is home to so many beautiful views and recreational activities. Fill a bucket with simple craft materials to create a few simple crafts that will help children learn all about Wisconsin!

Learn About the Wisconsin Flag
The Wisconsin state flag was adopted by the state in 1913 and is set on a deep blue field with symbols of the state. To help children learn more about the state flag of Wisconsin, print out the flag located at the link and help children create their own mini flag magnet.


  • Magnet
  • Construction paper
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick


Using a rectangular piece of magnet as the base of your flag, cut out a blue field from construction paper and glue it to the front of your magnet. Let children create the flag of Wisconsin using construction paper and markers. They now have their very own Wisconsin magnet souvenir and have learned all about the flag of Wisconsin.

Learn About Wisconsin Cheese
Wisconsin produces a huge amount of cheese, and is actually the top producer in the United States. A lot of folks are involved in the industry, and it accounts for much of the local economy. Several years ago, people living in Wisconsin were nicknamed cheeseheads, and it is a name they now embrace. Traditionally, Wisconsin cheeseheads wear bright yellow wedge-shaped slices of cheese on their heads as hats. Help children create their own cheesehead hat using construction paper.


  • Yellow Construction Paper
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Tape


Cut a single sheet of yellow construction paper into thirds, the short way. Use markers to draw circles that are apparent in wedges of swiss cheese. Use tape to connect the three strips of paper, creating a triangle. Children can wear the cheesehead hats, especially when the Packers are playing!

Learn About Wisconsin's Native Americans
Wisconsin is home to several Native American people, the Menominee among them. I know this tribe well as my grandmother was one and I have great memories of Pow Wows on the reservation! This tribe is known for their colorful and bright jewelry that is created using intricate patterns and designs. Read about the Menominee with your children and then help them create a piece of jewelry of their own.

Menominee Book Link:


  • Construction Paper
  • Markers
  • Tape


Cut a two to three inch wide strip of construction paper. Wrap the strip of paper around child's wrist and leave a half inch overlap, cut. Lay paper strip flat and allow children to color and decorate with their own pattern using markers of pieces of construction paper. Tape ends of paper together to create a bracelet.


Learn About the Lucerne
The Lucerne was a schooner that made its way into the heart of Wisconsin when it was shipwrecked in 1886. Both Lake Michigan and Lake Superior have been the commercial hubs of Wisconsin and every shipwreck or loss was felt. The entire crew of the Lucerne perished when the boat went down and to this day there is a memorial to the crew on Long Island and an exhibit in the Madeline Island Historical Museum. Help children create their own schooner.

Schooner Instructions:


  • Paper bowl
  • Construction Paper
  • Markers
  • Tape or glue
  • Craft Sticks


Use schooner instruction printout to create your own Lucerne.

How to Make a Cheese Hat Out of Paper
